August 16, 2019

Missing Dylan (by Kim)

From Dylan’s mom (Kim):

It will probably be several more days until we get to hear from Dylan and while we wait I thought I’d share how we are doing.

All of us in his family have commented that it is weird without Dylan here.

When the door opens, we expect it to be Dylan whistling as he walks in from parking his car on the street. That kid is always whistling! 😆 I wonder if it is one of the keys to his happy disposition!?!

Madi said she got home from soccer and thought “I bet Dylan’s downstairs” but he wasn’t.

Aly said, “it’s not the same without Dylan and all his friends here.”

Kate said, “it is so lonely and quiet in the basement without Dylan.”

Ben said, “I heard someone around the corner and immediate assumed it was Dylan, but then I had to remind myself, no it isn’t him.”

As for me, a dozen times a day I go to text him on my phone and ask what’s he up to for the day like we always do but then I realize I can’t text him or use Find My Friends to see where he is.

And then there is Max ... poor Max. For seven years, Max has slept with Dylan in his room. Some of you may know that Dylan struggled with anxiety as a young boy. We got Max as a companion for Dylan to help. And it definitely helped. Look at him now!  Off on a mission! Who could have thought?

Now poor Max has to figure out a “new normal” without his boy. We all smother Max with love so he will be fine but if Max had his way, he would have crawled into Dylan’s suitcase and gone with him.

Me too, Max. Me, too!